September 2018 Launch!

September 2018 Launch!
"Read Aloud! Hilarious and Entertaining!" - Yong Lee Lian, Principal, Cambridge for Life, Selangor.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Use the following notes to construct a readable story. Remember to state the moral of the story.

An old lady becomes blind-calls in a doctor-agrees to pay large fee if cured, but nothing if not-doctor calls daily-covers lady's furniture-delays the cure-every day takes away some of her furniture-at last cures her-demands his fees-lady refuses to pay, saying cure not complete-doctor brings a court case-judge asks lady why she will not pay-she says sight not properly restored-she cannot see all  her furniture-judge gives verdict in her favour-moral.

Hints on writing your narrative:

1. Make sure your points are connected properly so that your story doesn't become disjointed or jerky.
2. As this is a story, make sure your story is idiomatic and remember to include dialogues.
3. In the SPM exam, if you are asked to provide a title, make sure you have one.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Can you spot the grammar mistake in this Old Town White Coffee ad which appeared in The Star of Monday 12 November 2012? Read more at:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

QWERTY is about Lucy Beck, a young secretary who has to fight the ghost of an ex-secretary at Ross and Bannister’s. The ghost of Miss Broome haunts the typewriter that Lucy Beck is using in her new job. Miss Broome doesn’t want anyone to use ‘her’ typewriter. Messages and mysterious words such as QWERTYUIOP would appear on the paper. Lucy is determined to keep her job and she succeeds in overcoming Miss Broome where others have failed.