Use the following notes to construct a readable story. Remember to state the moral of the story.
An old lady becomes blind-calls in a doctor-agrees to pay large fee if cured, but nothing if not-doctor calls daily-covers lady's furniture-delays the cure-every day takes away some of her furniture-at last cures her-demands his fees-lady refuses to pay, saying cure not complete-doctor brings a court case-judge asks lady why she will not pay-she says sight not properly restored-she cannot see all her furniture-judge gives verdict in her favour-moral.
Hints on writing your narrative:
1. Make sure your points are connected properly so that your story doesn't become disjointed or jerky.
2. As this is a story, make sure your story is idiomatic and remember to include dialogues.
3. In the SPM exam, if you are asked to provide a title, make sure you have one.
An old lady becomes blind-calls in a doctor-agrees to pay large fee if cured, but nothing if not-doctor calls daily-covers lady's furniture-delays the cure-every day takes away some of her furniture-at last cures her-demands his fees-lady refuses to pay, saying cure not complete-doctor brings a court case-judge asks lady why she will not pay-she says sight not properly restored-she cannot see all her furniture-judge gives verdict in her favour-moral.
Hints on writing your narrative:
1. Make sure your points are connected properly so that your story doesn't become disjointed or jerky.
2. As this is a story, make sure your story is idiomatic and remember to include dialogues.
3. In the SPM exam, if you are asked to provide a title, make sure you have one.